Our story of rehabilitating an abandoned schoolhouse from 1895 into a home.

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Start From The Very Beginning

If you're new here, why not start reading at the very first post?
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My Very First Find!

The ridiculous story of how I bought something perfect for the schoolhouse... long before owning it.
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Monday, June 20, 2016

First contact.

My efforts to contact the owner were unfruitful, and I never heard back in regards to seeing the school. We were having a family event in the area, and I tried calling again... No answer. So I did the logical thing- finished my drink and walked on over.
As my husband and I approached, we could see a car pulled over next to the school. A woman got out and asked me if we we owned it (YES, SOON, my brain said). I explained that no, we did not, but I was going to try to talk to the owner, which she very much wanted to do, as well. Luckily, she wanted pictures and to inspect for ghosts, not to steal what we want to be ours!
So I knocked. And waited. A younger woman came to the door, and I tried the best I could to explain myself and not seem crazy, which I'm sure didn't happen. I left my business card. She was watching the place while her parents are vacation, but she said we could take a look around. Don't go inside, she said.
It was nice to be able to get up close and see things in more detail.

we learned that there is a tin ceiling somewhere. And that work was done on the foundation. Also, rusted radiators everywhere.

I'm hoping that that chimney would work for a woodstove. I'm assuming that they had one in there at some point. One whole part of the building looks removed in the front... And unfortunately, part of a tree fell and damaged the newer roof.
All in all, we are excited and terrified to keep pursuing this. We both agree that the first things that need to get done are the windows and tree removal. Then figure out the heating situation. If it's enclosed and heated, that means it's ready to move in to, right?
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Saturday, June 18, 2016

My Very First Find!

So, as promised, I'm going to share the item that made me realize I needed to start documenting everything...
It's shiny and engraved and detailed and unique. It's perfect. And I had a harrowing experience getting it.
It was listed on Craigslist- of course- and I knew instantly that we needed to get it. It was advertised as a plaque, but it's more like a frame for a plaque. A historical marker plaque, if I have anything to say about.
I tried researching the company that produced, but the only thing I could find was that Francis Metal Door &Window Corp was located in Rochester, NY and involved in a legal case in the 40s. It looked like it was possibly about taxes, and I wonder if that was the end of the company. I wonder if they made a lot of these or if it was a custom piece... But honestly, all that really matters is that it's MINE now. And that we will use it for the school house someday.
What perfect weird item did you just HAVE to have? 

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Completely ahead of ourselves...

We haven’t even seen the inside yet, other than a few photos.  We haven’t talked to the owner.  We haven’t inspected it yet.  We’ve really, essentially, accomplished nothing in regards to actually buying this place… but in our heads, it’s ours already.  So much so that I am going to buy our first item for the house in a few days.

That’s right; you read that properly.  Buy. Our. First. Item.  For the house we don’t have.  I mean school we don’t have.  Because it’s not even technically a residence.  In fact, it’s been abandoned for about 70 years.  It will need to be made habitable before we even begin to do any of the fun stuff.  And it needs to be purchased before we can do that.  Mentally we are decorating already…

Honestly, this is all my uncle’s fault.  He had the lifelong dream of fixing this place up, contacted the owner, got us thinking about it… but as it turns out, it’s actually OUR DESTINY.  I know that because I’m usually full of these sorts of crazy ideas, but my husband talks me out of them or disagrees or even vehemently argues against them.  NOT THIS TIME.  He’s even worse than I am.  And in a few days, I will share my acquisition for it without shame… because this is ABSOLUTELY going to happen.
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