Our story of rehabilitating an abandoned schoolhouse from 1895 into a home.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

My Very First Find!

So, as promised, I'm going to share the item that made me realize I needed to start documenting everything...
It's shiny and engraved and detailed and unique. It's perfect. And I had a harrowing experience getting it.
It was listed on Craigslist- of course- and I knew instantly that we needed to get it. It was advertised as a plaque, but it's more like a frame for a plaque. A historical marker plaque, if I have anything to say about.
I tried researching the company that produced, but the only thing I could find was that Francis Metal Door &Window Corp was located in Rochester, NY and involved in a legal case in the 40s. It looked like it was possibly about taxes, and I wonder if that was the end of the company. I wonder if they made a lot of these or if it was a custom piece... But honestly, all that really matters is that it's MINE now. And that we will use it for the school house someday.
What perfect weird item did you just HAVE to have? 


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